"Sight and Insight"

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Winter semester begins
13 January 2000

All levels welcome

Limited enrollment

At Albany High School, 603 Key Route Boulevard

For registeration info. call (510) 559-6580
Ten meetings, $66

Sight and Insight - This class focuses on the manner in which we observe and experience objects of the world, and how those observations and experiences find their way into our poems. We write a series of seven poems on the subjects of Nature, Animals, The Self, Society, Food, Home, and Machines. Using selected readings from The Morrow Anthology of Younger American Poets, we discover the essence of these subjects, and model our writing after the poems in the anthology. The poems include works by Wm. Root, M. Peacock, M. Southwick, and G. Pape, among others. Our emphasis is on helping you to discover which subjects are best suited to your style. We conclude our class with a public reading of our work. Writing assignments and individual attention. Participants also have the opportunity to contribute to and edit The Albany Poetry Workshop, an interactive poetry forum on the Internet at: http://www.sonic.net/poetry/albany

Spring semester begins March 2000

Scott Reid, MA, presents poetry workshops in Marin County, Sonoma County, and in the San Francisco Bay Area, and has appeared in Blue Unicorn, The Berkeley Poetry Review, Tomcat, Switched-On Gutenberg and Morpo Review. He has received writing fellowships from the Squaw Valley Writers' Conference, the Napa Valley Writers' Conference, and the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference. He hosts several on-line writers' workshops.


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