Forums Home Page

To the left, please find our Forums Pages where Guest Poets have posted poems awaiting your review and critique.
Along with their work, authors have included several specific questions pertaining to their drafts. Please respond first to the authors’ questions, before adding additional comments. For tips on how to critique a poem, please visit the APW Classroom page for suggestions for how to critique a poem.
Upon your request, APW will post your poem here with restricted access. A password will appear beside your name, and to view and comment on your work, readers must type the password. In this way, your poem remains unpublished, and you may submit it for publication elsewhere.
Please comment on the poems in these forums. We do not publish links to your email address.
To facilitate the ongoing dialogue on poetry and poetics, and to allow other poets to contact you, your email address appears in the following form:
Yourname (at) nameserver (dot) com
APW email: submitapw (at) gmail (dot) com
Please visit the Monthly Guests Poet’s Blog. New poets present their musings on the art and craft of writing poetry.
Guest Poet’s Blog Invitation
You are invited to write blog entries for one month on these pages.
If you would like to contribute a daily entry as APW’s Guest Poet for thirty days, attach a few sample entries and please let us know.
You may include your own poems, daily musings, photos, video, music, artwork, and more.
You must agree to making a DAILY blog entry.
Also, please promote your own website and blog, and those of your friends!