Guest Poet Ron Baron

Don't Feed The Pigs

If in the muddy pens of sin you seek
to cast your pearls as bribes to gain men's love,
the swine of earth will feed upon your soul;
your virtue swallowed whole by dispassionate pigs.

The scriptures say, "Cast not your pearls to swine."
Don't let your love be heard by careless ears
which then on twisted tongues will spread their lies:
that drag your witness down to dark despair.

Your words and acts enlightening souls of men,
must bear discernment: how and where they'll grow.
Seek not to be all things to all mankind,
and tell what's in your heart to chosen few.

December, 1998

Ron Baron's Questions:

What is your opinion of Poetry used to teach bible lessons?

Correspond with Ron Baron at
with your ideas about this poem.

The Unruly Member

Unbridled tongues of men and wild horses
	feed on new growth:
		either gossip or young plants.
They tear at the roots that nourish the hearts
	of succulent green stalks,
		or innocent poor souls.
Man tames wild horses and bridles their mouth,
	restricting their feeding
		to only his choices;
Yet, his tongue uncontrolled, ravages the regions
	where souls seek to grow -
		leaving only dead gossip.

December, 1998

Ron Baron's Questions:

Is this aimed at ONLY religious understanding- (or the WHOLE world?)

Correspond with Ron Baron at
with your ideas about this poem.

The Albany Poetry Workshop