The Gull I went for a walk along the rocky beach behind my house, The sultry afternoon baked the shore. The incense of the flats rose like pungent fingers grabbing my nose. Overhead the gulls floated free like apple blossoms in spring. Then I heard it. At first it was a tapping, steady, patient, methodical. It would suddenly become frantic and gradually die away. Then I saw him. In a sepulcher of the embankment. The gull, Caught in the crevice of a rock. Someone's discarded trash, a large can, around his foot. Painfully I watched his frantic crest and exhausted ebb as he challenged captivity. Then he saw me. He didn't move, our eyes met. The depthless, black circles looked into my heart and for a moment, I understood. For his there was no way out. His yellow beak, tinged with blood from where he tried to peck off his own foot. We stared as I moved closer. My heart pounded. His chest, albatross white, heaved as if in concert with mine. Suddenly his wings, like giant sails spread as he tried to fly. He lunged at my reaching hand as if to warn me away. Gravely lodged, he crashed forward. Again, I stepped to help. His quest became more frantic. He stabbed another warning at my hand, this time drawing blood. With each advancing stem his frenzy increased. He pecked at the can with an SOS like rhythm. Once again our eyes met. I moved toward him with my blood covered hand. His eyes pierced my heart, My eyes filled with tears, I knew I couldn't help, all I could do was watch. The drumming continued, growing slower and slower. As the pall draped sun sank behind the hill. I watched as the tapping stopped, his weakened, lifeless body slid off the rock. A metallic clang broke the silence, the can had fallen off his leg.
C.Lawry Brown's Questions:
My first draft of this poem showed the person as a watcher, saddened by the
fate of this bird but unable to help. I have tried to involve the person more
and put in some of their disgust at the trash that trapped this grand bird.
Does the eyes of the two meeting and the concert of the hearts bring deeper
meaning to this poem? Both these concepts are additions to this poem. The
final addition was making the last lines more dramatic.
Does the addition of
the metallic clang breaking the silence and the can falling off work?
I did
not have this in the first draft. I ended with the pall draped sun going
behind the hill and then just silence. Which works better, the first or
second ending?
Thank you for commenting.
The Net The woman sat on the porch with a large needle, A huge net lay at her feet. The ball of twine whirled as she pulled and mended the holes. The new, coarse, dark string looked out of place in the faded field of twine at her feet. She carefully wove each knot with a surgeons precision, Securing the cork floats at exact intervals. All the while she thought of that dress at the mercantile, The blue one with the little bows on the sleeves. She looked at the cove The dories heavy with net, waiting. She worked faster.
C.Lawry Brown's Questions:
I try to show the importance of what she is doing. Do the lines about the
blue dress in the mercantile show why she is working hard or are they out of
Do I successfully show that this family is barely making it and that
it is important that she mend the nets when I talk about the new coarse string
looking out of place?
Does the last line work?
Old Friend The afternoon sun was scorching, So I sat down with an old friend where I had so many times before. The cool, green grass wove around the massive roots exposed by elements of time. I leaned back and touched the bark, Rough and grooved with age. My fingers traced the faded initials, mine and my best friend Pam. To the left were remnants of holes made for spouts and countless buckets of maple syrup. To the left about a foot, The dent where I backed up when Dad was teaching me to drive. I ran my hand in the dent and I could hear Dad hollering, "First gear, not reverse." At the base were two small markers, The faded names Pete and Snuffy. Overhead spread the massive limbs Remnants of rope remained from the many old swings it carried. Its expansive top a canopy, its rustling music the music that I often went to sleep by. My old friend, Progress maps out your destiny. A new, wider road falls on that map and you are a road block. I nestled in the hollow of the roots, My hand caressing the mighty bark, The wind talking in the leaves. With a tear I bid my old friend good-bye.
C.Lawry Brown's Questions:
Do I show the importance of this tree through all the senses?
All the little
childhood momentos are too much?
I want to show how progress isn't always a
good thing and that sometimes things shouldn't have to be sacrificed.
Do the
last two lines work? Or is the tear to corny?
Thank you for your comments.