Parable In Summer there is a field where Golden Yarrow grows covers Earth like a warm quilt A quiet place awaits outside the doorway to your heart around you there are murmured secrets they whisper of life they are answers to what is good where am I going what am I we all wonder what will happen when we arrive There is a secret that Eagle carries somewhere between the field of Golden Yarrow and the sky When He flies He tells stories careful listeners are able to unfold the secrets let them back into your heart
Charlotte Lee's Questions:
I originally had "yellow flowers" in place of "Golden Yarrow", however I found it to be bland. I did research on the Internet and found that Golden Yarrow, and its meaning, works for this poem. Would you consider this cheating, or is it okay to reach for a thesaurus or the Internet when you need help with images?
The Mime I exist in nothing but a space like a box where I can make short and abrupt gestures I am cursed with dreams in my desperation for understanding my waking hours I once was a mime a voiceless prop on the streets or in the fields of France I lived a silent life I had no voice and I loved a man with no voice we expressed ourselves with wide concentrating eyes and imagination one day I learned to use my voice and the world marveled at my genius magnitudes would flock to see the world's only talking mime and I loved my voice.
Charlotte Lee's Questions:
In line 15 I use the word "imagination" instead of using imagery to describe the state of love, however; the poem is based on a dream I had which was a metaphor for feeling as though I had no outlet for expressing myself. Would you suggest that I use imagery or does the poem confirm the metaphor on its own?