Guest Poet Margaret A. Dukes

Watching Snow

It's a gift to watch the snow fall,
safe from within a suburban house,
where triple windows frame a
backdrop of dark bark trees.
Big flakes float to earth swiftly,
even as memories pile up,
afternoon light somehow soothes
a season of sadness.
Next morning, horizon sun
illuminates sugar snow
balanced on dark branches
against wide open blue sky.
With all this whiteness,
black tired thoughts fade,
a simple home remedy
in your own backyard.

December, 1997

Margaret A. Dukes's Questions:

I need help with the ending. I was trying to express that it is the simplest things that sometimes soothe us, take us out of our low times. I'm not sure the ending is finished yet. Also I need help evaluating the rhythm. I do not yet know how to easily evaluate the meter. Is there any way to learn this by yourself. I am not always sure which syllable has the accent. Maybe this is just free verse. Also I repeat the word dark about branches and trees. Suggestions for using different words or maybe the repetition is okay?

Correspond with Margaret A. Dukes at
with your ideas about this poem.

The Albany Poetry Workshop