When Food Gets Cold He wins the door says he will be back in no time - The table lays set a plate with meat so thick well done as he prefers the knife has left a cut that slowly fills with sauce doodling white porcelain - The glass of wine half empty bears wet imprints of lips - She waits and smells the poignant smell of absence - The meat shows gaping open wound the edges sticky with blood-like grumes - She sits and stares at crumbs strewn on the checked tablecloth - In hops and skips from white to red a blackbird is checkmating his ADIEU -
Paula Grenside's Questions:
1- Is the metaphor of the food getting cold effective in conveying the end of a love story?
2- Do the last two lines show the "ironical" reaction of the "she" to his lover's vanishing?
Cleaning the Day A slice of afternoon, cut thin by the kitchen blind, is laid across the table; it fills my eyes with its red sponge exhaling summer scent from the oven of the day. I wipe and wipe to remove the residues of a day I want to erase; in shiny crumbs, it fragments, spirals, melts in the gray dust on the floor. In the penumbra, I listen to my thoughts unfolding past songs I'd say forgotten; they chatter at the temples. Then whispered sounds, like puffs of breeze, reveal a body arching at the touch of searching fingers they melt and clean the ice of memory.
Paula Grenside's Questions:
Is the imagery suitable to contrast the summer day, the speaker's need to revisit painful (cold) memory, and the cleaning of the mind and heart opening to a new spring?