Guest Poet Elsie Hemming

Lighten Our Darkness

Grow wings and fly to the dome of Heaven.
Touch the glowing stars with your fingertips.
Try to count them as they appear, and then
Disappear from view in a big, black den.
As old stars die, new stars are created.
In the gloom of night we need fear no evil.

Let us, like the myriad stars that glow,
Help lighten the darkness of those below.
When our fingertips, love-charged, gently touch
Their drooping heads, and let them know how blest
They are, to live beneath a canopy
Of light, and promise of eternity.

February, 1998

Elsie Hemming's Questions:

Is this too fanciful for this modern age?
"Disappear from view in a big, black den" worries me but I do not know why.
Thank you for your comments.

Correspond with Elsie Hemming at
with your ideas about this poem.

The Albany Poetry Workshop