Untitled Ask if you have my heart One last time and I might Say yes, in a manner of speaking Love s fatal flaw is Having to hear it said Out loud, having To make the words Form around bloodheat And the next chance encounter The next Dewars and Water-logged late night Hot tub where words Slip off tongues as Easily as the glass of ice From the edge of the tub And track wet prints Back up the hall words damp between the sheets Ask in the morning If I remember Saying the words you took Three months to get from me With my eyes closed The bed dry as any other dawn.
Cheryl L. Higgins's Questions:
Does the poem convey the pain of the other lover (not the "I"); convey the yearning we have to hear love from someone who doesn't love us?
Can anyone suggest a title?
Is the poem effective?
Thank you.
Two Masts and Three Sails This is the sea. This is the sea. Two masts and three sails Ride the thin grey rim between Earth and universe No nearer to God than she would be 10 light years hence Or ten million, in practice. In practice, her spires pierce Three above, the cloud; And that the cloud might yet see That which draws its rain Down from the stars Three shafts light her sails Cupped to hold the sun And claim its reach In exploding space.
Cheryl L. Higgins's Questions:
Should "10" be spelled out?
Is this too "hokey"?
This is a boat I saw at sunset against a cloud-purple horizon, the last rays of the sun shooting across the water from the other horizon to spotlight her sails afire, it seemed. Her masts then misted into the cloud above her and she must have been in rain, though the sun still lit her up. I thought she was bold to ride atop the earth with her masts sticking into the heavens. Are there any lines which don't work?
I chose a painting to illustrate this on my web page, in the Man vs. Nature section.