Guest Poet Sean Maj


Hidden moon. Polyester
bats heavy with rain.
Their strides too human

down Queen, past front walks
bruised by smashed pumpkin
and shadow.  I can just see

our house in the distance
window skeletons glowing,
and a mummy on the porch-

its paper towel wake
like the gift wrap
we peeled in silence

last Christmas-our first alone. 
You're at Sunset Haven
tonight, where tubes breathe

for your father, and a guard
sends trick or treaters away. 
And all the while 

like a stethoscope
our rooms listen
to the mummy's weak knock.

November, 1998

Sean Maj's Questions:

1.  Does polyester fit with the rest of the    poem?

2.  Are there any weak lines/words that need to be changed or removed?

3.  Is the introduction of Christmas problematic?  Do you understand why it was done?  (I might have to add something there.)

Correspond with Sean Maj at
with your ideas about this poem.

The Albany Poetry Workshop