Guest Poet Mike Nickels-Wisdom

and lying on the sidewalk,
a pocket comb

December, 2000

Mike Nickels-Wisdom's Questions:

1. Is any season suggested?

2. Does the comb seem symbolic?

house sparrows
around the exit sign,
no cover

December, 2000

Mike Nickels-Wisdom's Questions:

1. Does the poem suggest a season?

2. Does it suggest any particular weather conditions?

3. I'd intended this scene to be symbolic in the way Mary Kinzie wrote of "literal symbol" in _A Poet's Guide to Poetry_, pp. 434-435, 475-477.  Does any symbolic meaning appear?

autumn rain--
weeds and bulldozers
rust together

December, 2000

Mike Nickels-Wisdom's Questions:

1. Does the scene seem realistic?

2. Do weeds rust?

3. Does this scene suggest a specific moment in time or a process extended in time or both?

The Albany Poetry Workshop